The FEDERATION OF PAPER TRADERS ‘ ASSOCIATIONS OF INDIA ( FPTA ) aims to unify India’s Paper – based trade with purpose in promoting paper’s intrinstic value as a nenewable and sustainable fibre based material , enchancing its competitiveness through seeking to reduce legislative and regulatory impacts and in spreading best practice .The Paper and Board Associations exists to promote a better and closer understanding among all those who sell Paper and Board in India and represent their legitimate overall best interests in the local market.

We are 36 Affiliated Members of the Associations ranging from Big & small associations.
FPTA is working to promote
- A positive image for paper.
- Secure energy supplies at. compertitive prices
- Resource efficiency within a coherent waste strategy.
- A sustainable Paper Industry.
- A competitive ,level playing field for the Paper & Paper Board dealers.
FPTA – Offers its members a range of services & benefits :
- Members Seminars & training courses.
- Annual Technical & business sessions.
- Member Communications
- Statistics.
- Managing Committees Meetings.
- Annual General Meetings.
FPTA keeps its members informed of what FPTA is doing on their behalf . Members Circulars – These email circulars are sent from FPTA secretariat andalert members to important issues regarding PaperTrade .
Secretary Report is issued yearly , it relays progress on the issues with which FPTA is dealing and highlights the latest consultations , statistics , training opportunites and event conducted on trade organized through its various committees and other relevant information of the working of FPTA .
We Promise You
Professional Quality Guarantee
Easy and Affordable Payments
Best Product Guarantee
FPTA History
In 1953, the Govt. of India banned the sale and movement of all Newsprint paper in stock with the traders. A meeting was held in Delhi to jointly decide the mode of operation for which a lead came from Mumbai at a time when local association of Paper Traders existed only at Mumbai, Calcutta, Madras. At the meeting held at Delhi late Shri R.K. Gandhi, late Shri Shantilal Kadakia, Shri MR Batliboi from Mumbai, late Shri Sunderlal Dutt, Shri C.S.Chakrovorty from Madras and Shri J.N.Singh from Delhi helped in the matter. As the trader’s view point was very strong and argument convincing, they were soon crowned with success resulting in revoking of order.
Besides this, there was one more development at the Delhi meeting. Late Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri in the course of discussion with paper traders, advised Shri Chimanlal P. Shah to organize a Federation of all Paper Traders’ Associations in the country. The Paper Traders’ Association, Mumbai decided to take the lead to convene the First Conference of the Federation of Paper Traders’ Associations of India, which was held on 16th Feb., 1959. Thus the History of FPTA began much before its inauguration in 1959.
The First Conference

The first Conference was held on 16th Feb. 1959 in Mumbai , which was inaugurated by Late Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri and presided over by Late Shri Jethmal Lalvani who became the first President of FPTA. In February 1961, the Managing Committee honored Late Shri Jethmal Lalvani, by rightly awarding the First Gold Medal to him in recognition of his meritorious services to the paper trade. Since inauguration in 1959 AGMs/conferences of FPTA have been held in various parts of the country as per invitations received from one or the other affiliated associations and prominent personalities like Shri Narendra Modi, Union Ministers, Chief Ministers, Ministers of various States and others have graced the occasions. We are the apex body of paper traders having 35 affiliated associations and more than 10,000 traders are our co-members. FPTA has been constantly working for the benefit of the traders and for safeguarding their interests at all appropriate levels. On one hand it keeps its members well informed about the developments, government laws, statistics and information connected to the trade. On the other hand it acts as a representative of the traders for communicating their problems and requirements with the union and state governments and for representing and negotiating with the industry. The federation also conducts and represents the trader community in various seminars, exhibitions, training courses, etc. On the social front the federation is trying to remove from the public’s mind the myth that all paper is made by cutting trees. We want the public to know that forests are not lost due to paper usage because for every tree that is used to make paper we plant at least two new trees.
FPTA’s new renovated office

FPTA has an office of its own, which is completely renovated into a modern well-equipped office with air-conditioning, latest computer systems, conference facilities, etc. The constitution of the federation has been amended from time to time to carry out the wishes of the members and to achieve the objectives of the federation. The rights and privileges of the members are well defined. The President is nominated by the host association holding the conference and the nomination is approved by the delegates by convention. The posts of Vice- Presidents have been made more representative and added with new responsible. Conferences are held every year and delegates are sent by the associations according to their respective delegate entitlements.
Monthly Rates

A code of conduct is formulated to help and guide the members to carry on their business with keeping legal aspects in mind. Various guidelines are also formed from time to time for the smooth functioning of the federation.