FPTA aims to unify India’s Paper based trade with purpose of promoting paper’s intrinsic value as a renewable and sustainable fiber-based material, enhancing its competitiveness through seeking to reduce legislative and regulatory impacts and in spreading best practice. The Paper and Board Associations exists to promote a better and closer understanding among all those who sell Paper and Board in India and represent their legitimate overall best interests in the local market.

Mr. Mehul Mehta
President – FPTA.
My best wishes to all the members of FPTA. It is an honour to be heading the organisation and I personally request all the members to use this FPTA APP. We can use and share so much at this platform. This is made for the members by the members.
This is platform that is need of the time as we have to adapt to changing times. Let us catch up with changing times and keep pace with the market.
All the needful upgrades will be done and are being considered for the required work.

Mr. Raghav Kothari
Hon. Secretary
It is my privilege to serve esteem alliance of trading body Federation of Paper Traders Associations of India (FPTA) as Hon Secretary for consecutive 5th years. I am truly delighted by the overwhelming appreciation given by our associates and the opportunity to learn from senior stalwarts to carry out my responsibilities. I am really thankful to my home association PTA, Mumbai and also the pillars of FPTA our 35 Associations for having faith on me. After several months of hard work by the team website under the convenorship of Shri. Nirmal Kuhad we have re-launched our website, Heartiest Congratulations. Creating a website isn’t a one-time task. Keeping the content fresh and relevant, sticking to the scheduled plan, keeping an eye on those analytics and making sure to ask for feedback from members for the best chance of success. Keeping it secure, safe from malicious attacks and essentially well-maintained. We request our members to explore the website to find out more about our services, discover our past work, meet our team and read up on the latest insights. We hope you’ll love our site as much as we do. Your guidance for the functioning of the website will keep it alive. FPTA has been constantly working for the benefit of the traders and for safeguarding their interest at all appropriate levels.
On one hand, it keeps its members well informed about the developments, government laws, statistics and information connected to the trade. On the other hand, it acts as a representative of the traders for communicating their problems and requirements with the union and state governments and for representing and negotiating with the industry. The federation also conducts and represents the trader community in various seminars, exhibitions, training courses, etc. On the social front, the federation is trying to remove from the public’s mind the myth that all paper is made by cutting trees. We want the public to know that forests are not lost due to paper usage because for every tree that is used to make paper we plant at least two new trees.

Shri Bharat Shah
Convener – Website & Social Media
It’s an honour and a privilege to be part of an Association that deeply cares about its members.
During my couple of years working as a business analyst, I have never worked for an Association that values the lives of its Members like FPTA.
The work environment is challenging, exciting, collaborative, positive, and feels like family. The team ensembled here is great, and the leadership is the strongest I have ever been associated with. I truly respect all my colleagues, not only for their work ethic, but for their passion toward this Association and life itself…
Happy Team.